April 7th
Grendel Press is releasing Paramnesia on April 7th. If you haven't put your pre-order in yet, you should. They are doing pre-orders on both grendelpress.com or Amazon. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but my short story Without You is featured in that anthology. I can't wait for people to read it and give me their feedback. I also intend on submitting that short story for the Bram Stoker awards later in the year. Available Now My newest Kindle exclusive is available now called Mr. Thorpe's Bell. Synopsis: In the middle of the night, from the depths of the woods, comes a chiming bell. The rumors surrounding the mysterious bell point fingers at a widower named Mr. Thorpe. After working a day with him, Walter Jones learns that he isn't the monster they portrayed, but he is hiding one. Upcoming My venture in self-publishing hasn't gone according to plan. I've taken a lot of time to think about my decision and I believe I'm going to either go traditional, which involves seeking an agent, or find an indie press. I've spent the past ten years working on my independent career and I don't feel as though I've gotten what I wanted out of it. I'm not getting the regular readers I'd like. My books aren't getting the types of publicity I'd like. Hopefully this change will help. I've already submitted a collection of short stories to an indie press and I have queried an agent. Until next time readers - Clarence Carter