Auburn Mall Collectibles show
Today we (fellow author Shaun Nigro and I) were in the Auburn Mall in front of R Card Place pitching our books. We had a great time seeing familiar faces, explaining to potential readers and podcast listeners exactly what we do. I'm grateful for those who came out to see us. When it comes to these events, it's always nice seeing people we know. These events are a small community, so a lot of us know each other. Even if we don't know each other by name, we've seen one another from across one table or another.
As I mentioned in the newsletter prior to this one, I have another anthology coming out. It's being published by Clay Vermulm Fiction, it's their first anthology. It should be out later this month. I'm excited. I wrote a strange tale about a desperate man who will stop at nothing to fix his financial woes and keep custody of his daughter. It's called "Quiet Desperation". Follow me on social media for the release date.Â
Rather than putting this as the title, or making it the picture, I decided to hide this big announcement inside my newsletter for the true readers. I'm writing the script for a movie. The movie is called Friday The 13th Jason In Indianapolis. It's an indie slasher film that's supposed to come out in September of this year. I haven't been boasting about it on social media or anything because I'm always concerned about how badly I could mess it up. It's set to start filming in April. Myself and another writer named Michael Smith have been working tirelessly on the script.Â
My novel A girl named Mishka has gone off with the editor. I don't have a release date on that one, but I'm hoping to have it finished by April. You can read some a few teaser chapters of it on Kindle vella.